Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Knights and food

So today, Justine, Kale and I got a treat, we went out on a restaurant review expedition with Seattle Times restaurant critic Nancy Leson. Nancy is a hoot, always an entertaining meal partner, even if she weren't buying (courtesy of the Times). I'd post a picture of her, but then I'd have to kill you. (we jealously guard her anonymity, so she can review restaurants without getting special treatment.) I'll post a link to the review when she writes it in a couple of weeks. We ordered tons of food, it was all beautiful and very tasty, although the service was a little spotty. The busboy took our order, forgot it and then sent over a real waiter. It was one of those moments where you think, "kid, if you knew who you were serving right now, I think you would have written down the order..."

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