Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mini Knight reunion!

So Justine came up to see us in Seattle tonight! She's sitting next to me as I write this. It was kind of like the old days, we ate a lot of food, drank some wine, talked late... Tomorrow we're all going to get up and go to the Creamery for a malt... OK, I made up that last part... but we will get a coffee. We think it's perfect that Justine's first trip for work was to Seattle.


Patricia Mercado said...

I miss you guys!!!!!.... All of you look great... Love, love....

Doug Kim said...

we miss you too!

justine gubar said...

we miss you too! get back to the US. I am definitely not going to that tacky wedding in Cancun. I have another wedding the next weekend in NYC.

Kathleen McCoy said...

Wow. I have been lost and now I'm found. Back at the Knight '07
blog. You guys DO look fantastic.
I am so impressed. Paleness is already setting in with the Alaskans.
Now that I've found the blog again, I'll try to add some entries from the Far (brrrrr) North.