Friday, February 29, 2008

New way to post

OK knights, I was inspired by Kathleen's new post to the blog to add another feature. Now you can email a post directly to this address,, and it will post your email directly to the blog. The subject line will appear as the headline. You can e-mail text, a picture, even video, and it will show up on the blog.
If your phone is capable of sending photos, you can post a picture straight from your phone, by e-mailing it or sending it through MMS (texting with photo) to the address.
So if you're dodging yaks in Bhutan, say, and your cellphone is getting coverage, you can post a photo to the blog, no computer needed.
Try it. It's fun.
(Note, it can't handle posts bigger than 10 MB)

Baby news: Phoebe is five months old now, very healthy, and when I say healthy, I mean this is a big kid. Almost 17 pounds. Mom feeds her good stuff. I have another blog of kim family pictures, all posted from our phones,

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