Sunday, November 23, 2008
Alaskans in Our House
We were thrilled to have Kathleen and Peter break their journey from Europe with us on Friday (on their way back to Alaska). We hung out, talked about their travels and had dinner together before they had to rest up for an early flight home.
What a treat to see our fellow Fellows from our corner of the world!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
A couple of Alaska pix
one from Chris, and then the email to the Knight Blog from Patricia,
and I realized how much I was missing you all. (Not to mention the
Andrew Mwenda arrest, and Imtiaz heading to Yale. And Ruichun writing
from China about the Olympics protests.) I have not been keeping up.
So here are a few photos from the late April snowfall we had, 18
inches overnight, and then the mud that followed, plus a moose
picture just for Justine (all my moose pics are dedicated to Justine
because she never saw one while she was here). A picture of my tiny,
optimistic greenhouse, assuming temperatures will one day be warm
enough to use it.
Hi to Karl, miss you, are you coming back to do any more corruption
stories in Alaska? There is more, as you might guess.
Well, happy mother's day to all the moms out there in Knight land. I
hope you all are well..../ Kathleen (Pete says hi, he is in NYC
visiting his 93 year old Dad. He and Maeve did a walking tour of
Greenwich Village that included stops at 15 places to eat....they
said it was fabulous.)
Good karma to you all.../k
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Some moose in Alaska
We are still waiting for the snow to melt, but it's light for hours
and hours now. Quick message just to say hi!/ Kathleen & Peter
Friday, February 29, 2008
New way to post
If your phone is capable of sending photos, you can post a picture straight from your phone, by e-mailing it or sending it through MMS (texting with photo) to the address.
So if you're dodging yaks in Bhutan, say, and your cellphone is getting coverage, you can post a photo to the blog, no computer needed.
Try it. It's fun.
(Note, it can't handle posts bigger than 10 MB)
Baby news: Phoebe is five months old now, very healthy, and when I say healthy, I mean this is a big kid. Almost 17 pounds. Mom feeds her good stuff. I have another blog of kim family pictures, all posted from our phones,
Monday, February 25, 2008
From Alaska, a short video
We have a winter festival that was nearly dead. This year, they let folks run with the reindeer right down the middle of the street. 500 women, and then 500- men. They each paid $20 to do it.
Here's a glimpse...