Sheesh. I've almost forgotten how to post a blog item.
Anyway, we sent Maeve back to college Friday night. We ate dinner at the restaurant she's been working at all summer. She seated people at the tables, a delicate balance of staying on the good side of the waiters -- they want all the tables they can get, but they don't want too many so they avoid disgruntled customers. The restaurant is called Ginger. Maeve, right at the front entrance, is asked many times every night: Are you Ginger? It's family owned and fusion-Asian with Indian influences. Will they make it here, land of moose stew and salmon? We'll see. But they were good to her all summer and we had a great send-off before her all-night flight back East.
Pete has been on night cops since he returned, murder and mayhem, up to 11 p.m. every night.
I've been launching interactive initiatives. Stuff like prep sports up the wazoo with lots of user-generated (read: proud parent) content -- fairly low-hanging fruit, actually; and some video editorials, and learning the web site from folks too busy to teach it to me. Many hours of frustration. I think I'm gonna restart my old blog and describe the current events inside one small northern newspaper.
Above and below are a few recent pics.
The raspberries are real, in my backyard, but just about spent now.
Maeve is on a hike we took up Bird Ridge her last weekend intown, you hike straight up but turn around in your tracks for a great view of Turnagain Arm. We stopped up top to eat our stash of cheese and triscuits. Those are Peter's knees in the gray pants on the left, and I'm behind the camera....Ummm, some wild flowers. The dog Clare, who did her fellowship year in Anchorage.
Re-entry has been serious and hard. But we're glad Maeve is doing fine. It's good to be back near my brother Kevin, here in Anchorage. But the winter, she's a comin'. We hope for a pretty September. We miss you all! Making travel plans.