Monday, June 25, 2007

Alaska or bust

The weather on the ferry turned bad out of Bellingham. Here's a taste.

It didn't stay so nasty, thankfully.

During the bad weather, we had time to finish the NYT sunday crossword. Our digs looked more like this, a sleeping bag and sleeping pad spread out on a white plastic lawn chair, under the solarium where heaters in the ceiling kept us warm.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's not Dead Skunk In the Middle of the Road, but ...

Here are the pieces I played on the chamber music recital. The guitar is pretty quiet in the recording, but we sounded much more balanced in real life. At, least, I think we did, but maybe it's just because I was sitting right next to him.

Posted by Ellen

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Happy Knights dancing

Dance Revolution at John & Teresa's house

Crazy good barbecue and special rum drinks fueled a night of non-stop merengue and macarena with a little Devo and Long and Winding Road on the side. Out in the yard, acoustic masters played old folk and rock. It was a great night, with a big good bye to Margarita, who flies away Sunday.